Citation and citation managers

Tato událost již proběhla
Termín konání
16.8.2022 od 13:00 až 16.8.2022 do 14:30
Typ události
Přednášky a semináře
Pořadatel události
Mgr. Tereza Garamszegi
Kontaktní osoba
Mgr. Tereza Garamszegi
Registrace na událost
Pořádající útvar
Oddělení knihovních služeb
Určeno pro
Pouze studenti a zaměstnanci univerzity
Místo konání
WWW adresa události

Registrace na událost

Registrace na událost
29.06.2022 od 08:00 až 16.08.2022 do 08:00

Informace k události

Citation and citation managers
Are you starting to write a seminar, bachelor's, or master's thesis? Do citation rules terrify you? Do you want to save a lot of hours of work while writing your work? Sign up for our Citation and Citation Managers course.

You will learn how to cite the sources used correctly In the course, How to create references in the text, and the final list of literature according to the faculty rules. Let's introduce citation managers - programs that can make working with citations easy. Together we will also look at quoting more complicated sources, such as legislative documents, television programs, or, for example, personal correspondence. In the course, we will also show a practical example of the citation manager CitacePro.
For the implementation of the webinar, it is necessary that at least five participants register. You will be sent a link to connect via MS Teams no later than the day in the morning. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us using the e-mail:
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