VPP: DZS - Czechia Alumni Programme /ENG/

Tato událost již proběhla
Termín konání
22.2.2024 od 11:00 až 22.2.2024 do 12:00
Typ události
Přednášky a semináře
Pořadatel události
Mgr. Přemysl Gubani
Kontaktní osoba
Mgr. Přemysl Gubani
Registrace na událost
Pořádající útvar
Kariérní centrum
Určeno pro
Místo konání
RKU II (kruhová hala)
WWW adresa události

Registrace na událost

Registrace na událost
20.02.2024 od 08:00 až 23.02.2024 do 08:00

Informace k události

Czechia Alumni Programme
Interested in the national programme for international alumni? Join our presentation to discover how Czechia Alumni program can help you achieve your goals. Let's keep in touch and explore new horizons together!
Discover Benefits: Learn about opportunities for professional growth and networking with fellow alumni and Czech partners.
Connect & Grow: We aim to build on your experiences in Czechia, offering meaningful opportunities for career advancement and staying connected.
Details: Led by the STUDY IN Ambassador Ariana from Mexico and the Study in Czechia team. Study in Czechia is an initiative of the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS), established by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. We are the official English-speaking source of information when choosing a university and study programme in Czechia.
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