Culture Shock and how to deal with it /Inperson; ENG/

Na tuto událost je vyžadována registrace.
Termín konání
18.10.2024 od 16:00 až 18.10.2024 do 18:30
Typ události
Přednášky a semináře
Pořadatel události
Mgr. Přemysl Gubani
Kontaktní osoba
Mgr. Přemysl Gubani
Registrace na událost
Pořádající útvar
Oddělení pro pychosociální podporu
Určeno pro
Místo konání
A132 (main building FAPPZ A, 1st floor, room number 132)
WWW adresa události

Registrace na událost

Registrace na událost
30.09.2024 od 08:00 až 12.10.2024 do 08:00

Informace k události

This workshop focuses on the so-called shadow side of study programme abroad and will show you how culture shock can manifest itself and how you can take care of yourself to get the most out of your stay here. It is also a great opportunity to get to know your classmates from a different perspective and ease your adaptation in a new environment. Don´t expect a lecture but rather an immersive experience with many engaging activities 😊.

About the lecturer
Mgr. Anna-Marie Pospíšilová is a mental health counsellor and a coach at Charles University. She is trained in delivering workshops on various mental health awareness topics. Anna has particular experience working with the topics of high sensitivity (HSP), work/study-life balance, spiritual development and self-care.
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