Why Do We Cry? Understanding the Journey of Tears

Tato událost již proběhla
Termín konání
19.2.2025 od 16:00 až 19.2.2025 do 18:00
Typ události
Školení, kurzy a testování
Pořadatel události
Anna Pejšková, MSc.
Kontaktní osoba
Anna Pejšková, MSc.
Registrace na událost
Pořádající útvar
Oddělení pro psychosociální podporu
Určeno pro
Místo konání
Green Lounge, Library
WWW adresa události

Registrace na událost

Registrace na událost
20.01.2025 od 10:00 až 19.02.2025 do 08:00

Informace k události

Crying takes many forms and is a natural part of our lives – from sadness to happiness to relief. This workshop will guide you through both theory and practice to help you better understand its significance. We will explore the different types of crying, what triggers them, and their meaning in our relationships and personal experiences. You will learn why tears are important and what they reveal about our emotions. In the interactive part, we will practice techniques for responding with empathy to the tears of others as well as our own. The workshop is designed for anyone who wants to better understand not only others but also themselves.
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